Barrancabermeja 2032 (2018)
Narrative Film Project /
Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia
Barrancabermeja 2032 (2018)
Extrapolating José Lizarazo’s “Barranquilla 2132”, one of the earliest Colombian science-fiction novels into the near future, Barrancabermeja 2032 tells the story of an excursion to Ecopetrol’s defunct fracking fields in central Colombia from the perspective of 4 carbon-tourists: a gringo, a union worker, a street team marketer and a sociologist. An artistic research project around petro-politics and the Colombian post-conflict in the form of a science-fiction story. The film is shown with costumes made for the characters and was accompanied by readings.
Running Time: 76'
Performers: Paul Bayoud, Maria Luisa Sanin Pena, Laura Victoria Cuellar, Johnajohn Campo
Voice: Kristof Trakal
Director, Editing: Kristof Trakal
Production Assistance: Ivan Tovar
Thank you: Alejandra
Produced with support of: Goethe Institute Colombia, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

Film Stills
